
Infinity Wines 成立於 2017 年,是一家位於香港的酒商。 我們專門從事於各種葡萄酒的買賣,同時間會不斷引進更具價值的產品,務求為尊貴的客戶帶來更高品質的生活品味。

多年來,我們一直為客戶提供全方位的貿易及一對一的服務,客戶的需要絕對是我們的核心價值。 此外,我們更與全球值得信賴的供應商和物流合作夥伴建立了強大的網絡。這不但能夠使我們的產品具有質量保證,更能提升公司透明度,增加客戶對我們的信心。

Infinity Wines was founded in 2017, which is a wine merchant based in Hong Kong. We always specialise in mature wines while keep bringing in more valuable wines and spirits.

Over the years, we have been serving a comprehensive coverage of trade and one-on-one service to our clients in Hong Kong. Our wine's excellent provenance and quality lie in our strong networks with global trustworthy wine suppliers and logistics partners.